A Worm In A Fruit Basket - A Short Story

 A Worm In A Fruit Basket

A Worm In A Fruit Basket - A Short Story

                    There was a village called Khuspur. It was by the side of the river Taral. The main occupation of villagers were farm-work. Some had land and some worked in the lands. Everybody in the village was very happy with their family. The had little demand, low expectation and no education. Any ill-habit was unknown to the villagers. 

              But after one year of the coming of the family of James, the village turned into a most notorious one. The people involved in coquetry, extra-marital affairs, bidi and wine became known to everyone here, especially to the male. There were frequent quarrels in almost every family. Karim still remembered the past happy times and felt sad for the present. He said that the change started when the family of James came there. James was a rascal. Besides, he was very lazy person. He did not like to work and he liked his own comfort. For that, he went to far pertaining to his wife, Nimita, who was a whore. They were excommunicated from their previous village. So, they came to Khuspur. Besides, being a whore, Nimita was a crook. She had sexual intercourse with a lot of people and thus their family run. James had no objection with it as he could live happily without doing any work. Instead he assisted her.

               James smoke bidi. After coming to Khuspur, he made his bidi smoking group. They used to sit at his house where Nimita made attracting gestures to the people. At first, Maman fell a victim. He made sexual intercourse with Nimita whose various sexual gestures pleased him very well. She used to take money to get yourself available. Then Rahim, Sabal, Thalam, Kebal, Job in etc. - the list went long. Nimita's money earning practice brought economic problem in the households of the villagers. Resultantly family quarrels started. But the men who got into adultery could not be controlled. They started beating their wives when they tried to desist them.

                James and Nimita took advantage of that condition also. James started selling wine which made the households too poverty-ridden. Nikita appeared compassionate to the women. She persuaded them that they should earn to feed their children and told "no work is worse to keep children alive". The simple village-women fell in her trap. She engaged them in sex-work. When the people came to her house to drink and to have sex, she pretended that she was ill when the men were too much passionate about sex. Then she sent them to different women who did sex with their villagers. This practice one day turned the village into a notorious one where coquetry, sex-work, bidi, wine etc. were predominant. But still, some good people remained who mourned the sad lot of the village. One of them was Karim.

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A Worm In A Fruit Basket - A Short Story


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