Money Matters - A Short Story

 Money Matters

Money Matters - A Short Story

                 "I have lost my job", replied Jubin painfully. Jubin lived in Madhupur. He was very sad, but he had been known all over his village to be a happy person. Yes, that was right. Jubin was a school teacher. He served in the local primary school. After completing his college education Jubin got a service to the post of Assistant Teacher in a local primary school, namely Medha Smriti Primary School. His parents, Sujit and Ama, were very happy. Their only son had got service.

           Jubin was good in education. He always passed with distinction. His service of life began happily. He got immense respect in the village. Villagers often used to come at jubin's house to take his advice for their children's education. After two years of service, Jubin was married to Mina, daughter of Shyamal, a neighbouring land-lord. Both families were happy after the marriage. To allow the new couple spend quality time, one day Jubin's parents started for their relative's house to a distance town by train. Unfortunately, the train met with a serious accident and Jubin's parents died. The government gave compensation for the dead, but Jubin did not get any compensation as his parents were travelling in General Class. Jubin was very grieved and he did nothing to get the compensation. He was sad, but there were peace in the family and support from everywhere.

            Then again, fate played another sad part. Few people made a court case against the panelists for the post of Assistant Teacher citing huge corruption. Jubin got service from that panel. Though the recruiting authority did their best, they could not hide the huge corruption done at the time of recruitment. So, the court cancelled the whole panel and Jubin lost his job. Now the situation changed totally. Jubin was sad and there were no peace in his family. No support was there from outside His wife left him and went to her father's house.

              Though Jubin was known to be brilliant student, people started to make fun of him. Some often used to say that he got the service giving bribe. Some, of course, showed sympathy. Days passed. Jubin's savings were all spent. He started to work as a farm-labourer. One day, while working in the field, his the land-lord asked him about his wife. Jubin just replied, "I have lost my job."

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Money Matters - A Short Story


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