The Demon Inside- A Short Story

The Demon Inside

The Demon Inside- A Short Story

 "What will be the result?", Maru asked himself.  It kept him from murdering Shibu, his elder brother. Maru was a quiet, introvert and bookish child. He always thought of the future. But one day, his life was totally changed.

               To speak of Maru's childhood, we found that he lived in a family of six people -his father Kori, his mother Hira, Charu and Mira - his two elder sisters and Shibu - his brother. They were very poor but leading an honest life. Kori, his father, was a rascal but pretended to be an ideal person to outside people. Only his family knew his villainy. His mother was widely known as a good woman. Charu and Mira were good in education. Sibu was very selfish. He only thought of his own comfort. For that he did not hesitate to do anything. Anyway, days were passing by. Maru suffered inwardly but his aim was future comfort. He studied hard and just after clearing his High School Education, he got an employment. It was a government job. Then Maru thought his life was set. So, he used to give all his salary to his father to make better others' lives. His rascal father stopped working and made the whole family dependent on Maru's income.

           Days passed. Maru felt his condition did not change. As before, he was poor. Sometimes he did not have the money required to go to office, sometimes he did not have money to go to a doctor for treatment etc. Recreation was a day-dream to him. But he continued his education. He got another service of better salary, but his condition remained same. Brother's education and sisters' marriage wholly drained his income and savings. After completing BA, his brother Sibu got a private job of lower income. Then also Maru was bearing the family expenditure. Even his brother occasionally took money from him. Everybody of his family was happy, but Maru's condition did not change. His financial problem remained as before, but others' happiness gave him pleasure. He enjoyed everything.

           Then, one day Maru was married and everything changed. After marriage, Maru had to repay his brother who is told him that he spent his own money for his marriage. His parents started to torture Maru and his wife. His sisters started misbehaving. They gave their mother suggestions about how to torture. Maru's brother Sibu turned out to be the most villainous. His taunting, ill-manner used to hurt Maru the most. All these were as they realized that Maru would not spend money for the family as he used to spend before.  Maru felt too much mental pressure. He could not accept that the family for whom he had he made so many sacrifices, endured so much pain were misbehaving with him. Sometimes the torture used to become so unbearable that he thought to kill Shibu, the main culprit behind all that. Then his inward-self used to ask him, "What will be the result."


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The Demon Inside- A Short Story


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