Destiny - A Short Story


Destiny - A Short Story

 "Mani, your son is good in education! Don't stop his learning", said the school teacher Sumit Mahajan. "I will try my best, sir", was the answer of Mani. Mani was a labourer. He used to do various works for those who hired him. He lived in a village, named Ratnagarh. His family consisted of his wife Mitha, his two daughters Zara and Nima, his only son Teethu and his widowed mother. The financial condition of his family was not too bad, but if he had not gone to work for a week they had to borrow to survive.

         As Mitha, wife of Mani, studied up to class VIII, she wished every child of her family should learn. Mitha could not continue her learning as she was married at an early age when she was just 13 years. So the children of Mani were going to there village school. Jara was in class VI, Nima in II and Teethu in class IV. Mitha was a housewife. Besides, she looked after a few domestic goats.

      Teethu was a very brisk boy. He was also good in education. He always stood first in the class. So whenever a teacher of the school met Mani, they used to praise Teethu's talent. Mani felt proud of that and it acted as an energy booster to him. He worked almost daily to carry on the education of his children, but he could not buy their books for new classes. The local school authority new that and so every year they supplied all books to his children. But his neighbours did not like that.They were jealous of Mani for his children being good in education.They always tried to create troubles for Nani's family. A few of Nani's neighbours knew sorcery and they practised it against him. But, their were good men also who helped him get out of all troubles.

           Once Mani fell ill and that kept him confined to bed for nearly one month. So his wife Mitha and his eldest daughter Jara had to take farm-work to support their family. Teethu could understand all the problems, but he was focused on his education as his teachers always used to say that when he would get a job, the condition of his family would be better. He always remembered that. The more troubles he saw in his family the more he became dedicated to his learning.

             Years passed Teethu cleared his village school education with distinction.But what next! His sisters education stopped after villages schooling. They did not have enough money to send Teethu to town for higher study. But the school teachers helped to get Teethu admitted in a town college. Everything was set. Teethu's train was to leave two days later.Meanwhile summer vacation started in the village school. It remained closed for one month. Teethu went to a town called Talash for higher studies. He had been admitted in a college there. After that Mani had no news of him. Somehow he managed to go to the town to get information of him. He broke down. His wife Mitha let out a loud cry. Everyday she used to cry. A dark cloud of sorrow covered their little hut, but to feed his family, Mani had to work. He was 59 then. All his hope that after Teethu's job their condition would be better - shuttered to pieces. The future was darkness for his family then. 

               After a month when the village school opened again, Sumit Mahajan met Mani and said "Mani, your son is good in education! Don't stop his learning". Mani kept mum for a while and then let out a loud cry.

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Destiny - A Short Story


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