Morning Dew - A Poem

Morning Dew

Morning Dew! everywhere, 
Everywhere are you!
 Oh Morning Dew! 
It is only today
 I did see you!
 On the tree, in the field 
You did spread,
Like a shield of freshness,
 Protection against dust and dryness!
 Your touch gives a feeling 
Oh! what a healing, what a healing!

Morning Dew - A Poem

We wait for you
 Throughout the year,
But you come
 Only in winter!
 Is it because
 You try our patience?
 Want to teach us,
 Nothing comes without hard work or perseverance!
Whatever be your purpose 
You are very very dear to us!
 You are so enlivening,
 That ignoring winter cold 
We get up early in the morning!

Read Next Poem (A Good Man)

Read Previous Poem (Frustration)


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