A Good Man - A Poem

 A Good Man

Definitely, no one is good
 to everyone. It is all
 The matter of interest and mood!
To some your work is bad
 For others, it is good!
 So, you can't be good to all,
Just listen to your heart and be moral.

A Good Man - A Poem

The world has been turned
 Into a market,
Honesty, morality, righteousness...
 Are all worthless.
 The common opinion is moulded
 Now and then.
 In this world of money
 You are just man, just a man!

But you will be paid 
No matter, what others say or said!
 Everything changes in this world
 Just a space of time,
An honest, moral and righteous man
 Will definitely get a name and fame!

Read Next Poem (Investment)

Read Previous Poem (Morning Dew)


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