Getting Myself Back - Poem

Getting Myself Back

I am getting myself back
 Once I did lack
My confidence totally,
Broke down both physically and mentally!

Getting Myself Back - Poem

 Situations went too wrong,
 I could not remain strong!
 Got humiliated, down-trodden in every way,
But I had faith, though little that one day
 Justice will be done to me,
 I must become what I want to be!

Now, I am relieved much 
My confidence is coming back;
 And I do feel, I can touch
 My dream, fulfill my aim,
 That day must come, must come!

Now, I can laugh
 Time has passed that was tough!
 I have now regained 
My sense of judgement!
Got back physical and mental strength,
 No matter now can hurt me,
 I must become what I want to be!

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