26th January - Republic Day of India, A Poem

 26th January

26th January! you did come.
That is why we got this freedom!
You imperted that spirit, that date
 In those days which were too rare!

26th January - Republic Day of India, A Poem

 You woke us
From deep slumber,
That we embraced to escape
 The unable torture of cruel ruler!
 You lighted that fire whose flame
Drove away the weakness,
 Helped us taste, the first taste of freedom!

We owe to thee for this existence,
 Without you,
 Who would have rescued us
 From that pain, that violence!
 We will remain to you forever grateful,
You have made our lives too beautiful, too beautiful!

It is an effort
To sing in short a song
 That should be sung too long, too long!

Read Previous Poem (Never Give Up)


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