True Aim Poem

True Aim

Will I become a professor?

 I can do that

 I am too much sure!

It seems to me an easy task

 Oh God! when I did ask,

You showed me that direction

 Can I take that as your confirmation!

Will I go for that 

Please give me some sign for that!

True Aim Poem

Though I wanted to be an IAS!

That am I tried to chase

 But I did little progress in the direction,

 So, I suffered a lot of frustration!

 When I think becoming a professor,

 I do not know

 I become confident more and more!

Now to recollect my old memory 

I always wanted to remain with study,

 In the middle somehow I developed a disire

That took away all my confidence and cheer!

 Now, I have discovered myself again

 Never to do the mistake that I did then.

 I will become an ideal teacher, 

Who will import to the society

 Joy, joy and infinite pleasure!

Read Next Poem (A Free Bird)

Read Previous Poem (Appeal To Almighty)


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